Converging machine learning and biology to illuminate the programs of life

The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center is enabling a new field of interdisciplinary research at the intersection of machine learning and biology, aimed at improving human health.  Our researchers and collaborators work together to make the biological questions of our time key drivers for foundational advances in machine learning — and vice versa.

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Our Research

We develop theoretical, computational, and algorithmic paradigms together with new experimental datasets to elucidate the programs of life.

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Our People

We are building a collaborative community and training the next generation of leaders in machine learning who drive biological discovery. Get to know our leadership, fellows, staff, collaborators, and more.

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Join the next generation of computer scientists, statisticians, and applied mathematicians, who drive biological discovery.

Our Ecosystem

The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center is part of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and is located in a hub of computational and biomedical research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Being at the Broad allows us unparalleled access to biological datasets – and to the scientists who generate them.

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We host colloquia, workshops, and competitions that bring together the global community to define and collaborate on the biggest challenges at the nexus of machine learning and biology.
Monday, November 4, 2024

Mona Singh

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Machine Learning Competition

Scientists are increasingly turning to competitions to leverage machine learning for solving biomedical problems. At the Schmidt Center, we’re taking this work one step further by using machine learning competitions to help prioritize what experiments biologists could run next.
Autoimmune Disease Machine Learning Challenge

Our next machine learning competition on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) starts on October 28, 2024.

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